Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Social Networking

 There is a major change in society as we know it, although it is subtle, social interaction is no longer a face to face event but now it through the use of the Internet and Social Networking Sites (SNS) Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and stone age Xanga, the aspect of interpersonal exchange is now conducted via online. Thus eliminating the use, need for physical interactions. Boyde and Ellison define SNS as "web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, yet also articulates a lists of other users whom they share a connection." This gives a user the freedom to create an online profile/person within the website he or she is on. Once this is created, the user can connect with other users that have done the same, thus creating an online network.
 The danger however is the interactions between individuals users. In psychology we discuss the human need or relationships and personal exchanges, but in SNS this interaction/communication is somewhat "streamlined" creating a much more efficient means of interactions. This almost eliminates the negatives of physical interaction and communication (awkwardness, boredom, personalities, judgements, etc) and this is very appealing to the less social people. I do not see an immediate danger but it does pose a problem. People are more comfortable with this type of communication and combined with the goal of SNS, is to nurture social interaction is actually making people less social. Online interaction is not the same as an offline physical communication. Thus creating a network of unsocial people. 

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