Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Do I want to change the world with social networking?

I not sure I want to change the world or to change it using social networking.  I believe my first social networking was through LinkedIn because I was told that’s where the professionals signed up to network or now it’s more like a place where regular people goes to strut their peacock feathers and flash their credentials and bells and whistles.  The site was mild when I signed up awhile back, but it has gotten so congested with BS, I don’t visit the site anymore.
I got onto facebook because one of my G.I. buddies passed away and some of my colleagues in the telecom field said I can find my old friends via facebook. I now have a facebook account and I wish I never sign up. I disconnect my account awhile back and some of my FB “friends” actually called my daughter to check up on me. Get a Life!
As a parent, the only thing that really concerns me about social networking and the social media are the addicts and the junior hackers’ wannabes.  We have kids, parents, cops, trains, cabs and bus drivers’ texting while driving.  WTF Over?  People are getting kill over 140 characters!  What is it that is SOOOOO important that we can’t wait until we get home?  Kids text their parents in the same room?!?!?  Kids caught cheating on their exams with their smart phones. 
Let’s not forget the campus prankster who decided to hold web cam party watching your roommate making out by hacking into their webcam. Sure, it’s an innocent prank until someone commits suicide after being humiliated over cyberspace.
 It’s bad enough that I don’t feel safe surfing the internet with all those neatly disguised websites or even jpegs with virus codes embedded into the photos. Now we have to worry about our personal information security on our smart phones because now we found out that there’s apps on the iPhones and Androids can data-mine the information from our phones without us knowing it.  We already know that some Aussie media mogul have had persons of interests’ phones hacked.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know the people who design the internet basically tell everyone to play nice and be civil on the net. Well, not everyone likes to play nice and there are cyber bullies out there that can do a lot of damages.  I know what I used to do with those folks back in the days, but I can’t do those things anymore as a civilian. Darn! 
It’s the Wild Wild Web out there and I feel that there should be some kind of enforcement or some kind of gate keeper out there to maintain order out there.  I am not an extreme Left or Right wing radical, at the same time I don’t want some kid hacking into my bank and clean out my account or into the NYC water system and mess up the salinization plant and contaminate my drinking water. Things can get worst, like the Stuxnet worm deploy into the US major strategic or vital facilities.  Theses attacks are real and it’s happening everyday and sometimes these people get lucky.  So, do I want to change the world, no because the world is changing it self with this generative network and it’s taking on a whole new entity not even the Chinese or the Russian can change the course it’s taking. 
We can remote access and control just about everything in our everyday lives with our Smartphone and then to find out that someone else has access to your smart phones’ information? That’s reality!
Am I bloggin’ or just rambling? 

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