Monday, April 23, 2012

A Modest Proposal Rejected

True American and resident of filthy underground denizens of the internet underworld, alike, remember the weeks surrounding voting of the Stop Internet Piracy Act, a simple bill developed to end the theft of information of the internet, by holding madmen librarians of the internet, including but not limited to video sharing and public forums to pay for their wicked ways. Privately owned "online service providers, Internet search engines, payment network providers, and Internet advertising services" who are clearly unwilling to monitor the billions of projects that they are so intimately involved in should serve as the government's police officers, for the good of suffering media conglomerates viciously sabotaged by the digital age. They must shut down anything that arouses suspicion. If someone can not afford to download a hip hop song remix, they can surely afford to spend a day in court to learn what originality is. And if they are too unable to reveal their sources, a greater source can be held responsible. Somewhere in a field of packet switching and connections there is a Paradise Lost (Milton).

Once upon a time, information that was valuable could not be shared online. Knowledge could be only shared by academics backed by university. Clearly the golden ages of the internet were in the 70's, long before it could be used for to establish an online identity for profit. Now there are so many voices that there is no majority whatsoever. If there were to be such overly popular sites, they would be UnAmerican in nature. The constitution was written to protect people's economic state and this is the topic of the best of its amendements. Google? Facebook? Youtube? Reddit? Tumblr? Money is not passing hands. Amazon? Ebay? Money is passing through so many hands. Domains should be seized until there is a return to the dawn of the media. Site removal has been a part of earlier projects. In the past DRM also kept files securely on one place. Only certain people can have and exchange what they need to feel fulfilled. A firm government presence can return record labels and book publishers to the helm of society. Why should Perez Hilton be the "King of All Media"? No good can come from a variety of media outlets, when the worker put in a minimal financial investment.

Words can have many meanings. They can be powerful. The savage enablers of great piracy machine lashed out against SOPA and PIPA, heckling their lawmakers by the millions. Students were confused when Wikipedia closed for the day. If it is worthy as a not-for-profit, Wikipedia should be able to fund raise and avoid being used as an information pawn. But the public had spoken. Studies show that people disapproved of suggested fines, disliked the word censorship, and more regularly pirated that which was not normally available. America, nay the world which too often needs to protection from itself, needs to accept what has been offered to them. They should have stayed quiet instead of using the internet to spread political bad-will. They should have kept their networks small. They should accepted SOPA and PIPA.

Rejecting the copyright ideals of our 20th century forefathers is worse than spitting on their grave. Unauthorized loseless digital is like killing these people. People were right when they did not think a song download to be worth than an perfectly reasonable fine. It should be seen as worse, like killing one's grandmother. Patriot Act-ion is needed. Change is bad. These new laws would have been very good.

1 comment:

  1. The statements above are satirical and not completely accurate or reflective of the author, Bill Herman or the rest of his class.

    Furthermore, the author would like to note that she prefers censorship to cannibalism and will avoid comparing the the two in the future.
