SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy
Act, which was a Bill that was meant to prohibit and regulate online piracy. It
would slow down illegal downloads and would broaden law enforcement’s ability
to impose punishment on those who download illegally. The act would prohibit
ISP’s from allowing access to websites that make copyrighted material
accessible. The maximum penalty for people who broke the law would be raised to
five years. Also, this law would mean that search engines and providers (based
in the U.S.) take away access to certain websites, or take away services from
those sites. International website hosts would not have to obey this law,
When this Bill first surfaced,
people felt that it violated their first amendment rights. Many people were One
clear problem with SOPA is how much copyrighted material is worth the blocking
of a domain? Will SOPA allow blogs commenting on copyrighted music or a book to
be blocked? Facebook and Twitter posts? According to SOPA the Attorney General
would decide what fell under the policy and what does not.
In my opinion, the Bill would do
more harm than good and people would lose out on their use of the Internet and
the limitations. Although, I do not think it is far-fetched to want to curb the
transfer of pirated and copyrighted materials. I mean someone is creating it
and one can argue that they do deserve credit, or payment. I think it comes
down to accessibility in the end. If people can access something for free
rather than paying for it, that’s what they will download. SOPA can attempt to
prevent that, but I think it will not be passed when it comes to vote.
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