Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Unkown!

When I first read the articles I thought to myself what does this has to do with defining what good writing content is and what bad writing content is? As I kept moving forward through the reading I soon figured out that it has a load to do with figuring out what good or bad content is. I never thought that the the content to be being with has a lot to do with search engines. It is very true that "The End Goal is always to let other people find you with the language they use when searching." (Clark4) . I Had never thought about up until I had to search for blogs that I thought would contain good writing content and bad writing content.

Now I have recently been really interested in Arts and Crafts and blogs about it. While it may be difficult to find blogs where they have both writing and images it can be possible. Normally people who think about arts and crafts won't often think about blogs or writing about it. In fact it almost sounds like it would be boring topic to read about! Well one of my favorite blogs that my friend introduced me to had a great balance between writing about the topic as well as including visuals and how to instructions as well. Come On, Ilene is a blog that I think is a fantastic example of what good content is, as far blogging goes. I really love the layout, the organization, the images and of course most Important of all the content! There is a section in particular where Ilene posts about her wedding and the crafts she did in preparation for it. Within that particular blog she has links that lead through various sections of her wedding crafts and they happen to also be in an organized order. This is interesting because this touches upon the topic of the other reading. The reading that had included of the idea of "trying to get 2 million while hoping 2,000 care " (Zandt) is very true. I felt that this touch upon this topic because Ilene is talking about her wedding. I have no idea who this girl is, but the topic and the crafts that she made helped me get interested in her personal life as well.

Now for some reason this thought of being interested in someone else's life helps make the reading content a lot more interesting, and at the same time personable. I can relate to the other person's story. Another Example that I had found online was a blog that goes by the name craftzine. This particular blog is community oriented. It talks about crafter's and their crafts, ad getting to know who they are. On post of their that really stuck out to me was about 5,4,3,2,1 things about... post. It sort of made me think about what my projects that I'm most proud of and what mistakes that I've learned from. It is also like the Clark showed on his chart 22.33%- The number of links to a specific page on your site matters a lot too. That's why engagement and quality of the content of the page is directly related to the probability of attracting natural incoming links (5.) This is very true and applies to the post. This post has a variety of links and it is very interactive. Not to mention what Zandt has mentioned in her post was that now days we all use social networking sites to communicate with each other. Both readings have taught me that including links even to social networking site is important to what a good writing content is considered.

Now A piece that I felt was a bad writing would be a site that looks unorganized and all over the place. Now this blog has some tips on selling the crafts, but the layout of the content I feel also affects the writing. Blog About Crafts seems very dull and not as personable as the other two blogs. It does give great advice but there is something about the content that just does not do it for me. I can't find any interest in what the person is writing about and, quite frankly the title is not creative either. It took me a while to find it and i understand why. Again the material of the writing should interest me but I get sidetracked by all the writing on the side bars.

One last example of a piece of writing that I thought was bad was a blog by the name Craft Test Dummies. It had very little writing and it doesn't really seem to strike me as much, plus it had more of visuals than it did writing. Although it is a bit obvious that, it is a main reason why it's an example of a bad piece of writing, I though it might be important to mention it. As I went through a couple of links that interested me I lost interest because as I was really getting into the the writing, it would suddenly end and it would show straight to a video. Now it's not that I don't like watching videos it's just that I don't like to get deep into a reading and all of a sudden have it cut off.

So I learned that search engines have a lot to do with finding content and i have also learned that "what people say about you is more important than what you say about yourself' (Clark6) is very true. For instance I am writing about these blogs and they can either get more views or less views depending on what I had written about them. It also goes for what I am writing I can either have people say my writing is good, or they can say that I am the worst writer in the world! In the end Zundt had mentioned I may not have changed the world, but than again I'll never know.

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