Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good VS Bad

In todays world there are so many internet sources used for business, personal productivity, education, and just plain old research.  Whether they are likable or not varies from site to site depending on various factors.  Some positives include: Increasing your careers, improving your reputations, and connecting to others allowing you to network easy and fast, as stated by Zandt.  In order to accomplish some of these things you obviously need a "good" website.  A good website is appealing to the eye, organized, easy to manage, for various age groups, easy to search for information, and definitely self explanatory.  Some examples of websites that I consider good and easy to use is Youtube and Twitter. I use youtube on a daily basis mainly to watch Tutorials that others have posted on beauty and health and I love it because it's easy to search for what I'm looking for and there is always a "how to" video for everything! There is also I history button that is useful because I rarely bookmark anything and thats just there automatically so I can just go back.  Twitter has to be number one on my list! I use Twitter the most out of all websites.  I don't really use the twitter on the web I use it more on the go on my smartphone but even on the web the site is easy to use and self explanatory.  As Zandt mentioned, a lot of people  use the web to create an image of themselves in order to connect with others and I think that Twitter is a great example of that.  Yea people post status's that make no sense sometimes but even so you do get a sense of who they are and you get to voice out your opinion whether you agree with them or you don't.  I've also made plenty of friends through twitter and when I'm bored people are always on there talking about the latest news or laughing together so its a website that I really stand by 100%.

As for websites that are on the not so "good" side an example has got to be MySpace. I don't even remember how to use it but I remember that before the new update the website was much easier to use.  Now they've added so much "stuff" that it feels cluttered and there's way too many things going on at once.  MySpace quickly went down the drain when Facebook came in the picture but I feel as if Facebook is becoming like Myspace slowly because I hardly go on it.  It became mostly about club invitations and spam mail in my inbox and thats why I lean towards Twitter.  Another example of a bad website is World Star Hip Hop.  As soon as you go on it the website looks confusing and you have to play around with it before you even realize that you have to scroll down.  The videos posted on this website are in no particular order and everything is just all clumped up.  There are interesting things but the people behind it should make it more eye appealing.

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