Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Test Post.

           Hey guys, I'm Allison. I'm a Media Studies major. I definitely love the internet, but one of my New Years resolutions was actually to cut down on how much I use social media. It's so easy to waste hours on end checking Facebook and twitter and it was starting to really irritate me. It's psychotic how distracting it can be, and I'd really like to read actual books and magazines as often as I used to. But I do love my laptop, and i'm on it for at least a couple of hours a day, checking mostly pop-culture websites and StumbleUpon(Oh how I love StumbleUpon..) I love StumbleUpon so much because it's incredibly entertaining, but only for a certain amount of time. Eventually I get bored of clicking and can go back to my life, which is nice. I've really enjoyed this class so far because it's so relatable to this generation and what our lives revolve around. I look forward to learning more about the history of the internet and more things I don't know about it.

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