Monday, February 6, 2012

Test Post (Daniel)

What's up ya'll, I'm Daniel and am a Media Studies major in my next-to-last semester here at Hunter. I'm focusing on documentary production, a field which I've come to enjoy through my past year of courses. I've found it to be a medium in which I can express ideas and stories that can't be done justice on just pen and paper. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a newbie at this, but I've put together a couple of short video pieces which I'm proud of, which can be seen on *cheap plug alert* my Vimeo page at!

I have a love/hate relationship with this whole internet thing. On the downside, I feel that its decimated my attention span and has virtually led me to abandon TV and books, two of my favorite pasttimes as a kid.  I also find that it has a heroin-esque appeal to it, in that the withdrawal symptoms of not having 'net are pretty bad (not Gene Hackman in "French Connection II" bad but.....*sigh* , figure of speech man).. But I've found that, ever since getting regular access 10 years ago, the internet has greatly improved my experiences with information gathering, gaming and keeping in touch with friends and family. It was cool to have grown up during the technological transition period of the mid-'90's-early '00's, which saw PCs and internet service become more inexpensive and accessible to the masses. Also cool to have, ahem "bragging rights" for being part of the last generation to exclusively use snail mail, library research, and those game cartridge thingies (had to put them in the freezer to get them to work!) for what can now be done on a device the size of a candy bar......a delicate, expensive, non-edible candy bar that is.

Looking forward to make more sense of this thing that is now an essential part of everyday life, as well as where its headed in the future.

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