Monday, February 6, 2012

Awesome Things

Hey, everyone. I'm Clarissa, part of the Wednesday evening class. I'm a senior English major not at Hunter, but at Brooklyn College. And now, without further ado, some awesome things:
  1. For those of you that like TED talks, you'll really enjoy for some longer form discussions. They've recently started putting more videos up under a pay-per-view or subscription model, but a lot of content is still free. The videos under the Technology category will be particularly relevant to this class.
  2. I've spent way too much time staring at these photos of dogs shaking. How do their faces work like that?
  3. Here's the site I mentioned in class. There are many awesome things on it and you (yes, you!) get to decide which is the Most Awesomest Thing Ever.

Thanks for reading, guys. Hope I made you life a little more awesome. See you in class!

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