Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blogging Assignment #1

The key to creating a a good website that contains well written content as well as attracting Google search hits seems to lay in the foundations of the website itself.  On  http://scribeseo.com/downloads/How-to-Create-Compelling-Content.pdf we are shown that you need to create engaging content for an audience, while creating key word hits that will attract search engines spiders to catalog you the way you want them to. You can't just create a bullshit site to attract Google hits, because without engaging content for viewers to read there will be no one linking back to your site (which Google takes heavily into account). Use of keywords is also extremely important, you want to captivate the viewer as well as search engines spiders into deeming your content as worthwhile and about those keywords.

As the technology around us constantly evolves, so does the usage of social media outlets, from this site http://www.deannazandt.com/presentations/claremont-mckenna-college-how-you-will-change-the-world-with-social-networking/ we learn that even though most people associate social media with the younger generation, the age group that had the biggest boom in Facebook membership last year was women over 55. In order to accommodate for this, sites need to learn to appeal to a large and broad audience. The other hurdle sites need to overcome is the issue of privacy.  How do you create a site that has just the right amount of privacy settings for everyone of your users. It's an age old question that will certainly define our future with the internet. Amongst many other things this site points out, the article is extremely well writing, to the point, and provides links to additional evidence to backup its arguments and commentary. It is a perfect example of what to do when creating a well written, and well constructed website/internet post.

One example of a bad website with poorly created design, writing, and just a horrid interface on it can be viewed at http://www.sixtiespress.co.uk/ the whole site is just a cluster F*%# of bad fonts, useless links with no information attached to them, and an incredibly small area in the middle of the site to read some rant about money. I will credit to my readers that the site has not been updated in a few years, but it still is one of the worst I have ever seen when it comes to non blog type sites.
Another winner of the bad website award would go to craigslist.com , Sure I use it from time to time to sell odd sporting goods, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it! the site is bland, I can understand them going for a simple look, but I feel like its just too simple to attract new modern day users. Maybe I'm just a fan of the new times, where I feel that  a website that generates that much traffic should have a major site overhaul. For its faults, it still generates tons of traffic, and gets linked back to a lot when people are scouring for rentals or trying to buy the odd thing here or there, but it could be so much better in my opinion. If it cleaned itself up I feel like its traffic would increase dramatically.

Some sites I think do a good job of showing off well designed layouts as well as content are Yourtechreport.com and Twitter.com. The first site is a tech website that contains clear links to articles, well written reports of many different subjects within the technology industry, as well a slick layout. Since it is a tech site, it is safe to assume many other places would be linking back to its articles, which would help boost its place in search engine hits. for the latter site, twitter is already a well known social networking site that is continuously picking up speed. Its sleek and easy on the eyes layout, as well as its simple and effective site purpose have had an amazing effect on the internet. News outlets and famous people alike all have twitter in which they use to communicate and respond to the masses. They generate huge amounts of traffic from those two groups, but also have masses of people following each other, and linking each other to other interesting twitters. The content is user generated, but even if its poorly written, you could just go to a different persons twitter and read that instead.

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