Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Online Writing: Good and Bad

In her article, Deanna Zandt discusses what makes for good online content.  What has become extremely prevalent in online society is social media, a platform that is used for something as simple and mundane as updating your friends or followers on what you are doing at any given moment, or as important as spreading the word about a cause.  Individuals may choose to utilize social media because his or her writing can reach many people.  Zandt says that traditionally, media is used to reach a wide demographic. If you can get a large amount of people to view your website, article, or blog post, statistics show that at least a small percentage or viewers will care about what you are saying.  In other words, cast a wide net and gain a small amount of fishes.  However, social media has changed this.  Now, the goal of media makers is to reach a certain number of people and create "ambient awareness" as Clive Thompson has coined it.  For example, if a social activist has a Twitter account, he or she can use this social networking site to form a relationship with each and every follower by Tweeting about things that reveal something about his or her cause, or perhaps something even more personal.  The key to creating effective online content is to display yourself and your story in a way that will intimately reach the online community.

Brian Clark also shares some rules for creating compelling online content in his article.  What has been proven to be extremely important in the online world is writing for a search engine.  Creating an interesting and informative blog that can potentially be useful to many will do no use if it cannot be found in a search.  One must use links and key words in his or her writing that will attract readers and allow search engines such as Google to crawl, index and rank your writing.   

Two examples of what I believe are good online content can be found on and  Both of these sites are news outlets.  They each use links that can easily be found and searched on an search engine and they both also provide information that is useful to many readers on the web.  Both sites also have a targeted audience.

Two examples of bad websites are and  Although both of these gossip websites have a targeted audience, neither are easy to navigate and their articles are practically non-existent or do not have good content.  

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